Monday, March 28, 2011

Failure to Launch: Quinoa, Mango and Cashew Breakfast Bowl with Dangerous Ponies and MAKE OUT

Tired of the typical imitation Cheerios with blueberries and Captain Crunch I tried to marry three of my most recent worlds for breakfast the other day. I combined the black and red quinoa of Peru with mangoes and agave nectar from Mexico and the shredded coconut of South Florida. I also threw in some cashews from Brazil but I have no connection to that place (aside from the bikini I won in a recent gift swap). I hoped for a tropical breakfast with a variety of flavors. Instead, when I ate my first mouthful, it took all I had not to scream like Salome when she saw the giant iguana climbing the mango tree in The Lacuna. Where was the taste? The pleasure? The whisking away to some far off island? In the end it was the mango that I purchased at a grocery store in the good ol' USA that let me down. It lacked juice and taste, was grainy and grimy instead of soft and squishy. Next time I make this it will be with only the freshest of mangoes.

At least what I listened to as I made the meal was decent. I rolled through "I Only Wear My Favorite Clothes at Home" by the Dangerous Ponies and "I Don't Want Anybody That Wants Me" by MAKE OUT. One is a seven piece Philadelphia act that incorporates glittery glam into a dance grooving 70's sound (Dangerous Ponies). The other is a drawn out, rrrrriot grrrrl anthem that speaks of independence and refusing to embrace those who hope to hold you (MAKE OUT).

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